Friday, 14 March 2014


It's one of those days where i want to be a successful blogger again HAHA. I think the main reason why I will probably never be a successful blogger is that i'm way too random and i like way too many things for there to be actual cohesiveness in my blogs.

I used to find blogs so disgusting because, hell, nobody (i mean the whole world) doesn't care about what you do 24/7, yet, i've come to realise that is not the only reason we have blogs. Blogs are jut to transmit our conscious into the public, for someone, anyone out there to read! (and sometimes we enjoy certain streams more than others, ahem)

Here's a documentation of my wernderous life (despite how boring and normal it is)(and yes it is very normal), and some wernderous things i come across.

Today in H3 we watched a portion ("Life is Cheap in the Orient) of the acclaimed documentary "Hearts and Minds", and what really struck me was the nonsense people could come up with to justify their actions, and it's juxtaposition with the human conscience. I think i was brought to tears, because how can you not when faced with these shocking images, no matter how many times you've seen them.

(Everyone should watch it)(yes, I'm watching it now)

Live commentary:
- awesome propaganda song for the military
- "Our vision of progress is not limited to our own country, we extend it to all the peoples of the world"- Harry Truman
- This is not working I'm going to concentrate on the movie

However, H3 classes are as awkward as ever and I'm so NOT eloquent. I really have to kick the habit of saying "Like" right here right now.

  1. I promise to try to commit to the quarter into the year resolution of not saying like in my sentences
I have the internet as my witness. 

Watch the film. Take however long you need. (I'm taking awhile)


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